Photo by George Leonard
It's that way with families and plans and life. You start off with a handful of things that must be done today. Then, before you're even aware of it, you've drifted into a different direction, floated along with the commotion going on around you.
The sweet husband needs blue jeans washed - crash a new wave. The young creator wishes you would cut up the melon while he finishes school - a swirl rolls you around. The dog lost his collar somewhere in the yard - you're picked up on the crest of the wave and rushed further from the other things, the planned things.
But if in the roar of the waves, you stop and seek the One who planned your day then even in the wild rushes of the water you will have peace. He knows all your days before one is ever brought forth. He knows the plans He has for you, and they are good.
Mark 4: 37-41 (The Voice)
As they sailed, a storm formed. The winds whipped up huge waves that broke over the bow, filling the boat with so much water that even the experienced sailors among them were sure they were going to sink....
"Jesus, Master, don't You care that we're going to die?"
He got up, shouted words into the wind, and commanded the waves. "That's enough! Be still!"
And immediately the wind died down to nothing, the waves stopped.
When the tides of life threaten to drown us, we can call out to the One who has power over the waves and the wind and the storm. We can seek Jesus' help. We do not need to be afraid because we know the One who is faithful. He can speak peace into the roar of our hearts and calm the waves of turmoil within us. We can have peace through Christ even in the tides of life.