Burn out is the state of total depletion of all our
physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional resources. It is the product of
daily stress and the demands of life.
We all experience it.
"I can't go any further,"; "this is all I've
got," or
"Stick a fork in me, I'm done," are statements
that we've all made at one time or another.
So, how can we as Christian Women fight against becoming
burned out?
The answer lies in John 15: 4.
"Abide in me, and I will abide in you. A branch cannot
bear fruit if it is disconnected from the vine, and neither will you if you are
not connected to me," The Voice Bible.
Our cure for burn out is to abide in Jesus. We must be
connected to the one who refreshes with living water.
I'm not simply referring to a daily time with Him though
that's important.
I'm talking about staying in step with Him as we pace
ourselves throughout our days and weeks. Our directions about life and what to
fill it with should come from our connection with the Father and not from all
the demands of the outside world.
Abiding with
God leads to Abounding in power!
Burn out happens - to everyone.
But whether we stay in that state or not is up to us.
We need to take the time to get connected with the one who
loves us most by:
Reading His Word,
about our schedules, and
Doing some
serious de-cluttering of our over worked souls,
Isaiah 40:29 (NKJV) "He gives power to the faint; and
to them that have no might he increases strength."
I ask that you help me to connect fully with you and teach
me your pace for my life, so that I may be poured out, not burned out - Fill me
with Your power.