Like many others during the month of January, my family dealt with one of the sicknesses that swept into our area. We have had not days but weeks of trips to the doctors and the chore of dispensing medicines.
Being cooped up inside with the gray clouds painting everything a dismal shade of heavy, left most of us tired and in need of relief.
Then this weekend a wonderful thing happened. The cold dispelled for a brief moment, and we could go outside without our coats. The sun’s rays spilled all over everything, warming the earth and our hearts.
Isn’t that the way of the Lord. When things look gray and dismal and everything is cold, His love breaks through and warms us.
As Christians, we know from God’s Word that there will be days, weeks; yes, even years of what the world would call heavy. But God assures us that we are never going it alone.
“Come to Me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (HCSB).
Jesus’s Words in Matthew are given to comfort. They serve to remind us where our power, whether on good days or bad days, comes from.
He invites us His children to come, to seek Him out. He may not change the circumstances, but He will dispel the gray, the heaviness of the heart. He will pour out the needed relief. “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Jesus is in the yoke with us. Let us feel the warmth of His love as we walk with Him through the heavy of life.
As we humble ourselves and seek His face, He will give rest to our weary souls.
Finding God’s beautiful pieces of grace,
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